To create effective marketing campaigns that leave a long-lasting impression on consumers, agencies must look beyond standard advertising services to entice consumers. Some of the most effective tools that a marketing agency could add to their campaign offering arsenal are prepaid debit cards.
Prepaid cards are an extremely memorable and effective campaign tool that provide incentives customers actually want. In fact, 89% of consumers have been able to recall the name of the advertiser on a prepaid promotional product they received within the previous year.
This is because people respond to advertisers that do not just seek attention and likes, but actually offer their consumers something in return.
There are hundreds of campaign types that prepaid cards can support, and their most effective use relies on finding the method that best suits your client's specific needs. In this article, we will explore a few of the most effective ways to use prepaid cards in attracting loyal and recurring consumers.
Cash Back - For Loyal Customers
Cash back programs not only increase the amount of customers that will visit a store or website to make a purchase, but the size of their purchase as well.
Almost every consumer has retailers or subscription services that they subscribe to, in order to receive promotional emails for any special deals and sales. Content subscriptions provide a perfect avenue for marketing agencies to use prepaid cards to encourage consumers to buy more merchandise than they were planning to.
Have you ever received an email from your favourite retailer that says, for today and today only, if you spend $100, we will give you $20 cash-back? This is a method successful retailers such as Gap employ to up-sell their loyal customers daily. As human beings we are often swayed to make purchases we otherwise would not have made if we feel we are getting a good deal. While you may only find a $20 t-shirt you like at Gap, if you are told that if you only spend $50 more, that you will get the $20 you would've spent on that t-shirt for free to buy more at a later time, would you not do it?
This causes consumers to continuously search for additional merchandise to add to their cart in order to earn offers, when in reality they are simply buying more. This is especially effective for loyal customers who not only receive the promotional updates, but know they will be able to put the earned funds towards good use in the future.
"This is a perfect avenue for marketing agencies to use prepaid cards to encourage consumers to buy more merchandise than they were planning to."

Sweepstakes - For New Customers
Sweepstakes are often a risk-less and engaging game for consumers, providing opportunities to win prizes while providing incentives for purchase. Oftentimes, sweepstakes help brands raise brand awareness by giving consumers a reason to engage with your brand. It also helps to build buzz on social media with hashtags, likes and shares - allowing a brand to reach a much larger audience of potential consumers. Also, by starting off your brand's relationship with consumers through a fun and exciting way, your relationship with consumers will be strengthened, turning them into loyal brand advocates for the future.
Prepaid cards are an extremely valuable sweepstakes prize that encourage consumers to enter. This is because rather than winning a predetermined and possibly unappealing product, prepaid cards allow consumers to choose the product or service they actually desire.
Amazon perfectly utilizes prepaid gift cards in their recent Baby Registry Sweepstakes program. Having a baby can be very expensive, causing young parents to avoid buying their child the best of the best due to exorbitant costs. Therefore, Amazon is offering 2 lucky parents the ability to win a $2,500 amazon gift card, just by creating a baby registry on with at least $75 worth of Chicco items.
What this sweepstakes actually accomplishes, is that it draws in parents with a clear need for baby products and incites them to browse Amazon's offerings to fulfill the $75 minimum. While customers are initially drawn in by the opportunity to win free money, they ultimately end up encouraging their friends and relatives to buy them products from Amazon as opposed to an alternative retailer, since they have a registry there full of products they have grown attached to.
"Prepaid cards are an extremely valuable sweepstakes prize that encourage consumers to enter. This is because rather than winning a predetermined and possibly unappealing product, prepaid cards allow consumers to choose the product or service they actually desire."

Interested in Offering Your Clients Prepaid Card Marketing Programs?
With Berkeley Payments your marketing agency can create branded customer incentives for specialized marketing campaigns.