Payroll Direct Deposit DDA

Allow users to deposit their paycheck directly to their Berkeley debit card

Payroll and Direct Deposit
Cards have routing and account numbers
Deposit paycheques directly to cards
FDIC / CDIC insured accounts
Demand Deposit Accounts (DDA)

Berkeley cards are enabled as Demand Deposit Accounts (DDAs). Each card is tied to a routing number and account number. This allows the debit cards to be funded by pushing money directly from a cardholder's paycheck, just as they would to a bank account.

We have integrated direct deposits, so users can automatically move money from an employer to their card.

Securely Enable Deposits

Berkeley debit cards are insured up to $250,000 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC). This protects the money held on the cards, in the event of a failure by the sponsor bank.